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OSBioMoSys - Latest news

Deconstructing a camera trail

For our project to build an open-source modular trail camera prototype designed to study small animals, one of the first things we did was to understand how commercial trail cameras are made and work. It also helped us see what durability, repairability or standardization of components they had.

New presentation video

This is the video presentation of the OSBioMoSys project, open biodiversity monitoring systems. This project has been designed and created by Albert Vila as part of the MDEF (Master in Design for Emergent Futures) held during the 23-24 year at the IAAC, FabLab BCN and Elisava schools in Barcelona.

Workshop co-creating tool summary

Workshop carried out with ornithologists with long experience who are leading the citizen science project of the “Atles d’ocells nidificants del Maresme” with more than 100 collaborators and more than 60,000 occurrences collected in 4 years of the project. At an individual level, each of them has their own bird study and monitoring projects. During the workshop, a brief presentation and brainstorming of scientific challenges and available technologies was made, some critical points were detected and ideas emerged for possible solutions to work on in the future. Thank you very much to all!

Comming soon in June

FloriCam, designing new tools for the study of wild pollinators.

In May workshop co-creating tools…

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