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Digital Prototyping For Design: Microchallenge 1 - Individual post

Microchallenge 1 report and repository

Refletions and learnings

General issues

  • Having the support team around constantly is a great relief. There is a great team of good people always willing to help. Good humor, empathy and a willingness to help are basic in a collaborative environment such as the FabLab. It must not be easy to keep this always like this.

  • Working in a hurry definitely puts me in a bad mood but we have improved it by lowering the pressure on the final product. Just to clarify, it’s not about working quickly that puts me in a bad mood, it’s about not being able to finish things as well as I would with more time.

About the project

  • Our Chladni plate still doesn’t work well but I want to solve it. It may seem frustrating but I have a lot of patience and I’m having a good time.

  • New questions have arisen behind each small advance or error during the process. This can become never ending story.

  • I am very interested in the nature of membranes and how they transmit sound within a certain range of frequencies and stop transmitting it when these boundaries are exceeded, whether above or below. I would like to try biomaterials.

  • Our project has been very experimental and involves a lot of research and exploration.

  • Beyond the initial objectives of the project, I see a high educational potential derived from it. From the study of waves to the functioning of the eardrum of the human ear for example.

  • Perhaps out of desperation but also through perseverance we were able to find new paths to continue our exploration.


  • Taking the time necessary to align interests is essential for the future of the project.

  • I feel much more confident with 3D printing and laser cutting. There are many materials or thicknesses of material that the laser cannot cut but perhaps it can mark it which helps a lot. I already felt very comfortable with power and manual tools before.

  • The combination of experience and having different skills helps to manage critical moments. In the most critical moments it is essential to remain calm so as not to contaminate your partner.

  • I think it is good not to limit yourself when designing the project. However, when we already program a specific action within it, we have to be realistic with the time, the materials and the possibilities of learning something new in that period of time.

  • Although the electronics of our device are simple, it has served to gain confidence and empower us with it.

  • The combination of experience and having different or multiple skills helps to manage critical moments spliting the duties.

  • Having trusted people you know little to create something together that turned out well helps me trust the world.


  • My contribution to the project may have to be valued by my partner in this microchallenge. However, if I have to evaluate myself, I think I have done the best I could. I have dedicated all the hours that I could. Perhaps time management could have been improved in some phases of the project.

  • When things don’t work out the way you expect and the deadline is approaching, it’s easy to panic, but in those moments it is essential to remain calm so as not to contaminate your partner.

  • Having trusted people you know little to create something together that turned out well helps me trust the world.

  • I always feel good being able to help other groups with small things like cutting some pieces of metal, making some holes, filling out a survey or designing the new IAAC terrace with VR.

The process is the way!